Money talks, bullshit walks.
Leading the boycott of Fox News advertisers to apply pressure to get Fox to embrace civility in public discourse.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Boycott Fox News Advertisers
If Fox could not get money from their advertisers, they would not be able to air their vitriolic bullshit. Click on the boycott list links on the right to send a message. Please also leave a comment about any advertisers that are not on the list and I'll add them. Thanks!
You are all liberal fucking losers, haven't been back in 8 years to check on your bullshit... get the fuck out of this country now you fucking idiots...
Not really....if you listen to enough of Fox News you will begin to notice that your right ear begins to be soggy. This comes from them pissing in your ear and swearing to God that it is only raining.
I'm writing down all these companies and I will boycott them! And tell my friends and family to also boycott them. Fox News is dangerous and doesn't care about our country!
Fox news is extremely dangerous. Their hatefull message could lead already crazy, racist, powerless individuals in an already tough economic environment to take action.
Fox News is the most biased, hate filled, fact distorting news media out there. I will boycott all their products and tell all my friends and family to do the same.
While I have long known of the far right slant of Fox News, this week's distorted coverage of President Obama's speech in Egypt crossed the line for me. I am ready to speak out and hit the network where it hurts--in their wallet. I am afraid, though, that small splintered efforts are not going to have the desired effect. Who can build the groundswell under this effort?
This weeks disgusting and distorted editing of Obama's speech in Cairo was HORRIBLE! They are so dangerous. Get your news from MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, DailyKos, ANYWHERE but Fox. Boycott ALL PRODUCTS Advertised on FOX NEWS!!
Not sure if this was mentioned or not, but FORD MOTOR COMPANY has released a statement to their people, that all advertising on Fox News must cease immediately! They do not want to be associated with most of it's programming!
I will do my best to encourage all people of reason to stop patronizing with any company that advertises with Fox News. I hope everyone who feels the same way uses the power of the purse to put an end to people who profit from fear and hate.
Jewelry Exchange Binder & Binder Angie's List Accucheck Quicken Loans Cinergy Health Unitedd Healthcare Franklin Templeton Insurance Verizon Wireless Dell Men's Warehouse Stanley Steamer Goldline International Fuji Batteries UPS! Lear Capital Viagra Red Lobster
I just found this site. This is what I have been saying for years, also need to include Rush. I have never boycotted anything, but it is time. What hate and lies they spread
Hi..i'm from bangladesh...this kind of journalism isnt even present in 3rd world countrys...they even critisized clinton freeing the 2 american journalists.
they get 100 people at a rally and make it look like 1000.. their saying all these things without any fact about healthcare...worst part is some people even beleive it.
I don't watch any Fox network or read any of Murdoch's papers. I don't go see Fox movies either. I won't give Murdoch any of my money if I can help it.
Gerber baby foods is one.. I just email them to demand they remove their ads from the glenn beck show. I like to see all ads pulled from fox news but I believe the best way to bring fox news reform is to slowly remove the bricks of hate that makes up this station! wal-mart ,cvs , and many others have demanded fox not run their ads on his show or risk loosing their advertisement accounts...remember trying to knock a wall down all in one hit is hard if not unrealistic, but when u slowly pull a brick at a time , the wall becomes weak and cumbers..lets bring about fox news reform
I am glad to see this site, I was about to suggest this action on my site . This is the one way that the average citizen can make a real differance.
I also have had it with Fox News. Having read all the comments, I'm gratified knowing other people care. We can stop these assholes but we have to make sure EVERY sponsor hears from us. I wrote Dresden Enterprises (owners of Red Lobster, Olive Garden to name a couple) telling them they don't get any more of my money. I also explained why the letter was written and what they can do about it. It's up to us, people. We the people must also take on the lobbying industry in the political world. That one will really be tough. I am not a politician or much into politics. I am just an ordinary citizen of what I grew up to know was the greatest place on Earth. That's gone, folks. We have to change the world. We have to elect a government that truly cares about its citizens and the world we live in. Responsibility. Personal responsibility. Global responsibility. We all own this planet. Sorry if I got too far off-topic but I think it's all intertwined.
Fox news loves to compare their counterparts with hitler and his regime, Unfortunately, they themselves spout more propaganda than anyone in history...
Rush "Limburger" is a drug dealer,so his opinion means nothing.We never did watch Fox,news or otherwise!They do not report the truth,and I feel sorry for people who watch it and expect realism.
Is there a list somewhere of advertisers who have pulled their ads? I want to reward advertisers who do he right thing.
In suing Al Franken for use of the phrase in his book, lawyers for Fox "News" once argued in court that "fair and balanced" is so clearly misdescriptive of their products that it could be used as a trademark despite being a descriptive phrase for most news products.
Good job guys. I email to friends and family about this issue... and they do the same. So the info is being forwarded from person to person nationwide. I encourage everyone to do the same. Come on people, we can bring down the Murdoch empire!
I'm glad to have found this site and will post it and spread the word. DECLARE WAR ON FOX and they're lies, distortions, propaganda of hate and fear campaigning as well as attacks on and against the United States of America.
I wish there were more intelligent people like the ones here. FOX NEWS can really cause brain damage. One reason why America is in trouble is because of FOX NEWS. Get rid of FOX NEWS so America can heal.
Listen, I detest Fox news, especially Hannity and O'reilly. I have worked for UPS for the last 30 years. I boycott Fox news not UPS. I do not watch it. There are 400,000 of us. I do not watch it period. Haven't since @2004 - I was worried about having to replace my TV as I was on the verge of kicking in the TV screen. Smartass O'reilly and that smug little twerp Hannity aren't worth having to buy a new TV. Dick, Cheney and Armey, Dick and Bush, Dubya are reponsible for the shit we're in. I support Obama. Hell, I didn't vote for him but I supported Bush until he made it plain he was total idiot. Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Dubya, and the rest of the right wing I get it - "rich people need more money", "you care deeply about my fetus until it is born, then it's on it's own", "poor people are poor because they like it", etc.....
I'm an arch conservative and a life-long Republican (although considering the party's recent behaviour and apparant fiscal abandon I'm more than a bit embarrassed to admit that) and even I have had it with Fox News. I'm not opposed to their being an outlet for their OPINIONS, but to present themselves as a legitimate news organization is downright consumer fraud, and that is illegal. And although I'm not a big fan of Obama I think he's doing as good a job as anyone could cleaning up the Chernobyl he inherited from the spendthrift Bush/Cheney regime. Fox News needs to change their name to Fox Editorial or Fox Commentary. In the meantime I'm boycotting their advertisers as well. I just cancelled my company's nextel account ($3000 per month, $36K per year) and let them know their support of Fox News was the reason. Money makes the (capitalist) world go round; if this movement spreads it could have an impact on Fox. Their viewership ranges from 2-3 million, I'm sure far more people than that are unhappy with their unending attack on America.
And consider this network is owned by a guy from AUSTRALIA! He only obtained citizenship so he could own Fox and spew his propaganda. There are reasons why the USA requires American ownership of it's news outlets, and we're seeing first hand why that is...
The thing to do is cancel your cable, tuning in to other channels and boycotting advertisers won't make much difference. If a grassroots campaign to get people to cancel their cable/directTV takes effect and works, cable revenues will decrease, and advertisers won't be paying as much (the biggest metric for determining what a spot is worth is how many people are going to see it). I cancelled my cable TV four months ago. The first month was hard, like most Americans I was a TV addict. But since then every aspect of my life has improved. I spend more time with friends and family, am in much better shape, and am much happier. And all the cable shows I watched I can get on Netflix eventually or watch on Hulu (which according to this site is a fox advertiser). Cable news shows are in the business of selling ad space, and the easiest way to get a viewership locked in is through fear and negativity - weak minded individuals especially fall prey to this and quickly become addicted, watching edlessly for their next fix, not unlike a crack addict. Scientists have proven that emotional addictions are no different than drug addictions. This post really isn't about trying to take down Fox news, but about trying to help anyone reading it better their life and save some money; I'll pocket an additional $2K this year in savings I can pump back into my local economy! Be positive, read more, and cancel cable and get a digital antenna - you can still get network news and your local fox affiliate. One love.
Make a YOUTUBE VIDEO about sponsors and feed it through facebook
Fox is not a news channel its like reading a glossy magazine, you just know its entertainment thats full of s**t.. Problem is some people take it as being factual..
Here's another method with even more instant gratification: WHen you walk into a waiting room and they are playing Fox News, ask them to change the channel.
Has anyone wondered why so many GOLD selling companies are sponsoring shows on Fox News, Beck routinely has 3 or 4 different gold sellers advertising on his show, Bill'O is the same. They frequently also comment during the commercials that it's "patriotic" to buy gold..
Thank you for your time and energy to give us this list to boycott. As for Anonymous stating they can't believe that the U.S. Post Office advertises on this "news" program...I CAN! Checkout There is a great survey where you can speak out and state how the doing-away-with a diverse media to the FTC affects you. Stay conscious!
FOXNEWS really wants to destroy our president real bad, that is the legitimate reason why FOXNEWS are so desperate alongside their evil ally the stupid Republicans, has anyone heard any solutions from them, let's see NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. So when will we hear solutions from the stupid Republicans, maybe NEVER. It's all about scoring political points, and playing political games with our lives. It's pathetic and it's WRONG. We shall not tolerate this.
Boycott Fox "News" and other likeminded sites should start putting quotation marks around the word "News". Fox "News" is not news, and they do not deserve title.
Thank you for having this site...I only watch Fox News so i know which companies to Boycott! Some are my favorite products like Febreeze...but FOX News is so messed up and trying to divide our country...I'll vote with my pocketbook! Keep up the good work! ps Can you believe O'Reily said liberals are afraid of Palin...What a Joke!I hope she is their front runner for 2012.
Sometimes free speech doesnt seem right. Its sad that people believe the bull fox news reports. I am by no means a fox supporter, but blame the idiots who believe this crap, thats who is keeping this organization going. If we had a more educated nation, the republican party wouldnt even exist.
thank you for listing fox news advertisers.i will do my best to avoid buying any items from these companies.and i will forward this list to each one of my friends.
Shame on Fox News! Thanks for the list of advertisters. We the people can make an honest difference. Afterall arent they already undermining us enough?? And you know who"those" are.
Fox news has a cast full of extremely bias morons.Bill O'fuckhead Glenn Bleek with the childish chalkboard and doughnuts,Hanidioty and now Pailn 'o shit.Does anyone really watch this shit? If so,it just confirms that anyone who would tune in to fox is just another sheep in the flock.I am starting a new party.....Think for yourself party.People need to think!!!!! P.S. FOX SUCKS!!!!!!
It is probably agreed by many that Fox News is not news. It is biased and political tool to brainwash feable minded TV viewers. Their goal is to brainwash, like Hitler's propaganda during WWII. They harbor conflict and war, and seek death and demise of America's core values.
"We Report, You Decide" means, "you decide whether Fox News is telling the truth or not". I have decided that are not even worthy of the words "News" in their title. "Fox News" is a misnomer.
I am sending out emails. and will encourage people to boycott Fox News supporters. I don't think anyone needs to post evidence here for Fox Non-News bullshit, we are well beyond that.
How can anyone really believe that Fox News is Fair and Balanced? I agree the LOCAL Fox stations frequently have good news operations. But Fox News itself? Really? I'm all for people expressing different points of view, but when a "news" organization takes it upon themselves to rally a particular segment of the society toward advancing a particular world view and then distort their coverage of those events (or others with which they disagree), that's just not news. That's propaganda.
So happy to find some sane people with a decent idea, to let everyone know how some of us feel about it.
My God, I am so sick of Fox news trying to push their agenda on people. I think that smart people know that these mean spirited, self centered, egotistical, judgmental, backstabbing, narrow minded people don't have the interest of the common man anywhere near, they only swing around there ideas with a stick like a little kid and try and get their way.
They lie and then when your not looking they lie again. Ask yourself how america is seen in different parts of the world, wait, you can't because your mind does not work that way. Fox, you know what your problem is? You think you are the world, fact of the matter is that america is making things worse by trying to control everything. Its like all these people are wanting George Bush the 2nd back in office. The politicians never were responsible for anything, they get away with anything that they can while the rest of us suffer for it. I say its time for responsibility. Fox, your on the way out of my house for good! There is no way I would ever want to listen /watch any of your garbage, nor will I knowingly invite a Fox news junkie anywhere in my area, just forget it and Get out!
Im a Canadian and i think fox news sucks balls. Its just a bunch of ignorant people with a lot of money, and with completely naive and ill supported news, which I know a substantial amount of Americans just gobble up without an ounce of a second thought. It really comes down to education, as so many people in America actually believe that anything on TV is true, even when mendacity is TV's number one selling point, especially Fox. I doubt that will ever change, if so very slowly, but its just really sad to see. Just the fact of when the show Red Eye trashed our military. The host was an alcoholic, and another guy on the show did Super High Me, which just goes to show the type of characters that we see who play important roles in aiding peoples decisions. It just sucks that people like this make their views pervasive, while people actually think that this garbage is true. But other then that I like America :D.
Look, anyone who buys into the BS Fox "entertainment News" craps out is as ignorant as they are stupid! Glenn Beck is a tool, who puts vicks under his eyes to cry! What kind of man is he? This so-called news agency is under mining what America stands for! It is these fake ass new agencies and the morons who believe in the bullshit they spew that make this once great nation a laughing stock to the world! America is going to be hated by all because of the few assholes out there!
I think we should boycott any cable company and dish service that broadcasts any Fox channel. They get paid from these providers for having their channel in the channel lineup. It's true. I feel like a hypocrite just dropping my support of their advertisers and allowing them to get money because I purchased the medium that was broadcasting their filth. When the cable companies and dish providers feel the sting of us dropping our service we will rise up and tell them why. Signed: One less Direct TV customer!!
I just looked up Gerber and Home Depot (both products we used extensively)and sent messages telling them we will not use them anymore. Since we almost never watch Fox or its affiliates, I had no idea these corporations were advertisers.
Thanks to all of you and this website for letting us know who is promoting this dysfunction. I like to call it Fox Faux News. We must carry a message of mutual respect in order to survive on this planet. God bless.
I just cancelled my Free Credit Report account. It's not free anyway! I told them advertising on Fox news was the reason. Unfortunately I was talking to someone in India. Can't cancel my health care as it's the only one work uses!
You all should be reported to the SPCA for wanting to boycott Fox news. Who's next Wolves, Badgers? If you don't like Foxes that is fine but don't boycott their news network. They need to get in as much news before the winter so they can use that money to feed their families so they can hibernate! STOP THE CRUELTY!
I've done a lot of research and Fox News is not only biased, they are downright liars. Folks love to listen to them because they fill people with hate, fear, and anger. Fox News has done a lot of damage to our country. We are the only developed country in the world without a National Health Care System. We can't compete on the global market. In other countries, the corporations do not have to pay health care expenses. USA can't compete with that. According to Forbes Magazine, the CEO of United Health Care made over 1.3 million dollars. That's obscene. People will complain about joblessness and the fact that their investments are tanked. They haven't even thought about if corporations don't have to foot the health care bill, our economy would be so much better. Folks who watch Fox news are just getting the biggest brain-washing of their lives. I'm going to boycott any company that advertises on Fox news, even if I have to make home made cat food for my pets, I will not buy those products. When 25% of the country actually think Obama was born in Kenya, then we have a problem with people who have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by a network that cares about ratings, not the news.
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism is the best thing any Fox hater can watch. It's clearly biased as well, but every stat or fact in there is true. Watch it on Youtube!!!!!
fox,and rush just scare people who have no common sense and believe reagan economics or trickle down actually works. Yea our economy sure BOOMED under those bush tax cuts. maybe a few yachts and private jets were sold and beck, oreilly and hannity made tons selling there brainwashing books.when im flipping channels i get physically sick if i get a glimpse of fox. wish i had the option to delete channels. the majority of college graduates and professors aka people who can think for themselves are demorscats. that red neck with his pick up waving his twelve gage wanting his country back is the fox news demograpic. sadly there are millions of them watching in their trailors down in texas and alabama. ever notice how glenn beck talks to the camera as if hes talking to a five year old? thats because most republican voters ended there education at that age and need him to talk slowy and draw things.
We have started a page on Facebook for anyone who is interested. It seems that Fox News is a part of the basic programming for a lot of cable tv/satellite companies (i.e., directv).
If this is true for you, you may not realize that a portion of your monthly service fee goes to support Fox News. In 2009, Fox News charged more for their cable tv channel than any other news channel at .38 cents per household (that's wholesale prices), while other news organizations like MSNBC only charged .11 cents per household (again, that's the wholesale price). Most cable news organizations wholesale pricing was between .11 cents and .16 cents per household, while Fox charged .38 cents per household.
During the political campaign season running up to November 2, Fox News contributed $1 million to the Chamber of Commerce as well as another $1 million to the Republican Governors Association. In addition, they organized Tea Party Rallies, provided a platform for republican candidates to ask for donations, added republican politicians onto their payrolls (Huckabee, Rove, Palin, etc), actively campaigned for Republican candidates on the campaign trail, distorted the Democratic/Liberal agenda, waged a hate campaign on minorities as well as our President, and attacked any liberal organization they could (Tides Foundation, ACLU, SEIU, Teachers Unions, etc).
Not that Fox News was ever a legitimate news organization, but because of it's strong republican activism, Fox News is no longer a "news" organization at all. FNC is simply the media arm of the Republican Party. It is a Republican PAC. No other news organization can claim this status. Even MSNBC (the most liberal cable news station) does not allow for this type of political activism; Keith Olbermann and Joe Scarborough were both suspended for contributing their own money to political candidates. Fox News Channel is a Republican PAC.
Never before in our history have we been forced to contribute money to any political organization. That has changed. In simply paying your monthly cable/satellite television bill, a portion of your money is going directly to this Republican PAC. We believe we can do something to change that.
Please join us. We will be taking an active role in trying to remove Fox News Channel from the basic cable programming service. We believe Fox News Channel, because of it's political activism should be offered as a subscription only channel. We will also be contacting our Congressmen in an attempt to bring the Fairness Doctrine back up for a vote. If we are successful in this, Fox News will no longer be able to continue with it's traditional biased media coverage. We would love to have your help. Please go to this link and join us!
Finally, I've found a forum where I can share the aims of a campaign I started 10 years ago when Bush first got elected.
I'm in a job where I end up in hotel rooms quite a bit. I hate the remote controls they give you in the room so I carry my own programmable remote and the manufacturer code sheet when I travel.
In addition to having a very user friendly remote to use in the dark, I discovered that I was able to get into the TV's menu and delete FOX NEWS CHANNEL from the channel line up. The simple hotel provided Lodgenet remotes often lack a keypad and only give guests a channel up or channel down option. Henceforth, future guests can't tune in to Fox, thus saving their brains from continued bombardment of the propaganda they spit.
In the last ten years, I have deleted FNC from well over 100 TV's in various hotel rooms across the country and the globe.
Most programmable remote controls cost only $19-$29.
Hey, it's 2011, a few days after the Tucson shooting and just 1 day after the memorial service with an amazing group of speakers! IT's time to boycott Fox News and the rest of their ilk, who are taking our country down this ugly road of hate instead of peace, love and compassion. Where's an updated Fox Advertisers Boycott List?!!!!
Why does FOX News keep on saying "coming up or coming up next which drags out forever without showing whats "coming up next" for what seams to be eternity before Fox News finally cough out a story. This is boring and I am going to spit out the hook and go back to CNN which will tell you the story and not a bunch of crap leading up to a story. FOX news has had this problem with all news reporting for some reason. Who is responsible for FOX news programing? They should be fired.
In a shocking act of mass public deception, Fox News attempted to skew Ron Paul’s 2011 CPAC straw poll win by representing it with footage from the previous year’s CPAC event, at which Mitt Romney supporters had loudly booed the result, another example of the continuing dirty tricks campaign being waged against Paul by the establishment media.
If you Fox supporters could see yourselves the way the world sees you, you would get an education and realize how Fox feeds on your ignorance. The most viewed Network in the U.S.A.??? - a sad commentary on your citizens and their level of intelligence. How embarrassing to give credibility and adulation to presenters like O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, Rove, Miller, Laura, Palin and all the blonde Barbies that appear ... ad nauseum. Fox makes you the laughing stock of the world and you don't even know it.
I want to add one more important point to my last comment: Fox preys on the ill-informed, ignorant viewer by allowing the presenters to push "their?" books and other memorabilia on air. Don't you realize that you are making O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, et al, multimillionaires??? They just sit back and laugh all the way to the bank, thanks to you.
I have copied the boycott list and posted it on my bulletin board and will most assuredly use these vendors as preferred vendors. Foxnews and their malodorous supporters are blight upon society.
Dr Stan here: I have a bumper sticker (afraid to mount it). Says; "TURN OFF FOX. Bad news for America." Comes from TURNOFFFOX.ORG. I got a surgical practice to agree to rotate channels when I found they had Fox on and would not change it. SOBs. I wrote the head of the VA, ret'd Army Gen'l Eric Shinseki and told him it was on in some of the VA clinic waiting rooms. Said I wanted this seditious Obama-hating channel banned in all but private rooms in VA hospitals. Never got an answer. There was one other place I got it change but forget now where it was. They lie, google the story of how they fired 2 reporters for refusing to lie about Monsanto's bovine growth hormone's carcinogenic effect on children's milk.
I think the reason Fox News is successful is because the only people that still watch TV are either too stupid or too poor to get a computer with an internet connection and find news that way.
Love the site! Fox couldn't suck enough could they!? Just started a site of my own, check it out sometime, I think you'll like it:
The article you have written is brilliant. Your information is very well founded and presented in such a convincing way. I have read many articles on this subject, but by far, yours is the best.
A local fox personality who is billed as a reporter, ambushes local people who made mistakes in the past and slams them with questions so they lose their jobs. The guy was actually caught lying on video saying that he asks for interviews first, but you can see that he just tries to catch people off guard. The guy destroyed a teachers career because he acted in porn as a legal consenting adult once. The guy is a raging asshole and a bully and never ever ever gives up, which is pretty scary when you are wrong sometimes.
This is a great and informative post.Well, the points given were facts that could never go wrong. I have visited so many pages with the same discussion and topics pozivnice za vencanja
This blog hasn't been hit in a long time but I will say that a boycott of companies that advertise is not the way to go. The companies that advertise on Fox are the same that advertise on MSNBC and other progressive outlets. If you don't like the station... Don't watch it. It's about free speech and tolerance of all people's opinions.
Well anonymous about advertising boycotts is no good. Agreed, but you can write the companies that are on Fox and tell them one of the Fox lies....and tell them you won't buy their products until they get off Fox. Look how Flush Rush page on Facebook has cost him an incredible number of sponsors.
Fox news lies horribly... They only report what they want people to hear. in 2004, April. I participated in a protest in D.C. about bombing Iraq. Fox "News" later stated:
"Hundreds of people showed up in washington today to protest....." and then showed a few strange looking protesters milling around.
There were between 45,000 and 70,000 protesters there that day.
How they called at least 45,000 people "hundreds" is despicable.
Have hated Fox News ever since.
What is wrong with the good old fashioned: Who, What, Where, When, and Why of journalism I learned in 8th grade....?
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Web site advertisers include:
University of Phoenix
You are all liberal fucking losers, haven't been back in 8 years to check on your bullshit... get the fuck out of this country now you fucking idiots...
DeleteBut they're fair and balanced.
ReplyDeleteNot really....if you listen to enough of Fox News you will begin to notice that your right ear begins to be soggy. This comes from them pissing in your ear and swearing to God that it is only raining.
DeleteSeymour Starz was just kidding.
ReplyDelete* Acura
* Aflac
* Best Buy
* Burlington Coat Factory
* Celebrity Cruises
* Choice Hotels
* Dawn
* Dell
* Earthlink
* Hefty Bags
* Holiday Inn Express
* Hula Networks
* L. L. Bean
* Morgan Stanley
* Nextel (aka Sprint)
* Office Depot
* Orbitz
* Progressive Insurance
* Spiriva
* Tyson Foods
* Wachovia Finance
I have never let Fox news in my house but now will be very aware
Deleteof their sponsors.
Boycott God I hate that commerical so much!
DeleteI'm writing down all these companies and I will boycott them! And tell my friends and family to also boycott them. Fox News is dangerous and doesn't care about our country!
ReplyDeleteFox News is dangerous...
ReplyDeleteWhat can we do to be rid of Fox News
permanently ?
Fox news is extremely dangerous. Their hatefull message could lead already crazy, racist, powerless individuals in an already tough economic environment to take action.
ReplyDeleteHonda, UPS and GM.
ReplyDeleteAny company that associates with this propaganda outlet should be pilloried.
In an effort to eliminate bias and ignorance in my family, we will hence-forth boycott any and all products advertised on Fox News.
ReplyDeleteFox News is the most biased, hate filled,
ReplyDeletefact distorting news media out there. I will
boycott all their products and tell all my friends and family to do the same.
At least you aren't having to endure Darlene Hill at fox Chicago. What a radical racist BITCH. Talk about stirring the shit.Needs to be fired.
DeleteWhile I have long known of the far right slant of Fox News, this week's distorted coverage of President Obama's speech in Egypt crossed the line for me. I am ready to speak out and hit the network where it hurts--in their wallet. I am afraid, though, that small splintered efforts are not going to have the desired effect. Who can build the groundswell under this effort?
ReplyDeleteI will let my family and friends know to also boycott all these products. Fox news is very dangerous.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget the local affiliates people. And why you are at it, Clear channel too.
This weeks disgusting and distorted editing of Obama's speech in Cairo was HORRIBLE! They are so dangerous.
ReplyDeleteGet your news from MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, DailyKos, ANYWHERE but Fox.
Boycott ALL PRODUCTS Advertised on FOX NEWS!!
Keep up the Good Work,
Not sure if this was mentioned or not, but FORD MOTOR COMPANY has released a statement to their people, that all advertising on Fox News must cease immediately! They do not want to be associated with most of it's programming!
ReplyDeleteAll right!!! YES!!!
I am seeing new flat screens in local banks in my small town and of course they are all playing Fox.
ReplyDeleteI want more info on this...I have found a couple of bloggs that noted this.
How to I fight back and is this a out free flatscreens to spread their lies????
I know that Rush is free in small markets now this please comment if you have more info on this
I plan to meet with my local banks PR person soon.
You are a fucking idiot. You should leave the country.
DeleteYea, Fix sux.. Kieth Oberman never said anything hateful about Bush! Sheesh..
ReplyDeleteIt's my intention to boycott all advertisers @ fox.
ReplyDeleteWe need a more professional platform to disclose the sponsors. Fox News is the biggest threat to the US.
ReplyDeleteI will do my best to encourage all people of reason to stop patronizing with any company that advertises with Fox News. I hope everyone who feels the same way uses the power of the purse to put an end to people who profit from fear and hate.
ReplyDeleteDavid Haskell, California
Would you let a fox watch your chickens.
ReplyDeleteThen why would you let Fox News tell you whats
true. Everything is cool in the hen house Boss
Charlie Clark
Boycott Fox and Boycott Idol
ReplyDeleteJewelry Exchange
ReplyDeleteBinder & Binder
Angie's List
Quicken Loans
Cinergy Health
Unitedd Healthcare
Franklin Templeton Insurance
Verizon Wireless
Men's Warehouse
Stanley Steamer
Goldline International
Fuji Batteries
Lear Capital
Red Lobster
Boycott Sirus XM until they dump Fox
ReplyDeleteFox News should be taken off the air for repeatidly reports false and fake news !!!
ReplyDeleteBite me Hannity
Why boycott fox news?? It's a great way for us non-Americans to laugh at you guys!! fox ftw!
ReplyDeletePerhaps a more targeted boycott would make more sense. It appears everyone advertises on Fox News.
ReplyDeleteI just found this site. This is what I have been saying for years, also need to include Rush. I have never boycotted anything, but it is time. What hate and lies they spread
ReplyDeleteHi..i'm from bangladesh...this kind of journalism isnt even present in 3rd world countrys...they even critisized clinton freeing the 2 american journalists.
ReplyDeletethey get 100 people at a rally and make it look like 1000..
their saying all these things without any fact about healthcare...worst part is some people even beleive it.
I can't believe Fox calls themselves a "news" station. I stopped watching them a long time ago. People who believe their trash are scary,
ReplyDeleteI don't watch any Fox network or read any of Murdoch's papers. I don't go see Fox movies either. I won't give Murdoch any of my money if I can help it.
ReplyDeleteGerber baby foods is one.. I just email them to demand they remove their ads from the glenn beck show. I like to see all ads pulled from fox news but I believe the best way to bring fox news reform is to slowly remove the bricks of hate that makes up this station! wal-mart ,cvs , and many others have demanded fox not run their ads on his show or risk loosing their advertisement accounts...remember trying to knock a wall down all in one hit is hard if not unrealistic, but when u slowly pull a brick at a time , the wall becomes weak and cumbers..lets bring about fox news reform
ReplyDeleteI hate fox. If I had enough money I would buy it & shut it down
ReplyDeleteI am glad to see this site, I was about to suggest this action on my site . This is the one way that the average citizen can make a real differance.
I also have had it with Fox News. Having read all the comments, I'm gratified knowing other people care. We can stop these assholes but we have to make sure EVERY sponsor hears from us. I wrote Dresden Enterprises (owners of Red Lobster, Olive Garden to name a couple) telling them they don't get any more of my money. I also explained why the letter was written and what they can do about it.
ReplyDeleteIt's up to us, people. We the people must also take on the lobbying industry in the political world. That one will really be tough.
I am not a politician or much into politics. I am just an ordinary citizen of what I grew up to know was the greatest place on Earth. That's gone, folks.
We have to change the world. We have to elect a government that truly cares about its citizens and the world we live in.
Responsibility. Personal responsibility. Global responsibility. We all own this planet.
Sorry if I got too far off-topic but I think it's all intertwined.
Peace to all
Fox news loves to compare their counterparts with hitler and his regime, Unfortunately, they themselves spout more propaganda than anyone in history...
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for any American who believes anything stated by fox news
ReplyDeleteRush "Limburger" is a drug dealer,so his opinion means nothing.We never did watch Fox,news or otherwise!They do not report the truth,and I feel sorry for people who watch it and expect realism.
ReplyDeleteFox news is a sad comment on American intelligence
ReplyDeleteright on,
ReplyDeleteIs there a list somewhere of advertisers who have pulled their ads? I want to reward advertisers who do he right thing.
ReplyDeleteIn suing Al Franken for use of the phrase in his book, lawyers for Fox "News" once argued in court that "fair and balanced" is so clearly misdescriptive of their products that it could be used as a trademark despite being a descriptive phrase for most news products.
Good job guys. I email to friends and family about this issue... and they do the same. So the info is being forwarded from person to person nationwide. I encourage everyone to do the same. Come on people, we can bring down the Murdoch empire!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to have found this site and will post it and spread the word. DECLARE WAR ON FOX and they're lies, distortions, propaganda of hate and fear campaigning as well as attacks on and against the United States of America.
ReplyDeleteIf Red Lobster and Olive Garden Advertise on their station - I stop buying their product.
ReplyDeleteI wish there were more intelligent people like the ones here. FOX NEWS can really cause brain damage. One reason why America is in trouble is because of FOX NEWS. Get rid of FOX NEWS so America can heal.
ReplyDeleteFox News Sucks! It's not based on reality, and these people are totally stupid! Oh, don't forget hateful and prejudiced.
ReplyDeleteListen, I detest Fox news, especially Hannity and O'reilly. I have worked for UPS for the last 30 years. I boycott Fox news not UPS. I do not watch it. There are 400,000 of us. I do not watch it period. Haven't since @2004 - I was worried about having to replace my TV as I was on the verge of kicking in the TV screen. Smartass O'reilly and that smug little twerp Hannity aren't worth having to buy a new TV. Dick, Cheney and Armey, Dick and Bush, Dubya are reponsible for the shit we're in. I support Obama. Hell, I didn't vote for him but I supported Bush until he made it plain he was total idiot. Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Dubya, and the rest of the right wing I get it - "rich people need more money", "you care deeply about my fetus until it is born, then it's on it's own", "poor people are poor because they like it", etc.....
ReplyDeleteI'm an arch conservative and a life-long Republican (although considering the party's recent behaviour and apparant fiscal abandon I'm more than a bit embarrassed to admit that) and even I have had it with Fox News. I'm not opposed to their being an outlet for their OPINIONS, but to present themselves as a legitimate news organization is downright consumer fraud, and that is illegal. And although I'm not a big fan of Obama I think he's doing as good a job as anyone could cleaning up the Chernobyl he inherited from the spendthrift Bush/Cheney regime. Fox News needs to change their name to Fox Editorial or Fox Commentary. In the meantime I'm boycotting their advertisers as well. I just cancelled my company's nextel account ($3000 per month, $36K per year) and let them know their support of Fox News was the reason. Money makes the (capitalist) world go round; if this movement spreads it could have an impact on Fox. Their viewership ranges from 2-3 million, I'm sure far more people than that are unhappy with their unending attack on America.
ReplyDeleteAnd consider this network is owned by a guy from AUSTRALIA! He only obtained citizenship so he could own Fox and spew his propaganda. There are reasons why the USA requires American ownership of it's news outlets, and we're seeing first hand why that is...
ReplyDeleteI just cancelled my 1-800 Pet Meds acctount, would rather pay more at the vet than have even a portion of my money winding up in Fox's coffers..
ReplyDeleteThe thing to do is cancel your cable, tuning in to other channels and boycotting advertisers won't make much difference. If a grassroots campaign to get people to cancel their cable/directTV takes effect and works, cable revenues will decrease, and advertisers won't be paying as much (the biggest metric for determining what a spot is worth is how many people are going to see it). I cancelled my cable TV four months ago. The first month was hard, like most Americans I was a TV addict. But since then every aspect of my life has improved. I spend more time with friends and family, am in much better shape, and am much happier. And all the cable shows I watched I can get on Netflix eventually or watch on Hulu (which according to this site is a fox advertiser).
ReplyDeleteCable news shows are in the business of selling ad space, and the easiest way to get a viewership locked in is through fear and negativity - weak minded individuals especially fall prey to this and quickly become addicted, watching edlessly for their next fix, not unlike a crack addict. Scientists have proven that emotional addictions are no different than drug addictions. This post really isn't about trying to take down Fox news, but about trying to help anyone reading it better their life and save some money; I'll pocket an additional $2K this year in savings I can pump back into my local economy! Be positive, read more, and cancel cable and get a digital antenna - you can still get network news and your local fox affiliate. One love.
Stupidity is a condition; ignorance is a choice. Boycott Fox News!
ReplyDeleteRoger Ailes should be deported Afghanistan
ReplyDeleteMake a YOUTUBE VIDEO about sponsors and feed it through facebook
ReplyDeleteFox is not a news channel its like reading a glossy magazine, you just know its entertainment thats full of s**t.. Problem is some people take it as being factual..
Remove your local FOX channel from your TV programming and never look back. That, in itself, is something positive for America.
ReplyDeleteHere's another method with even more instant gratification: WHen you walk into a waiting room and they are playing Fox News, ask them to change the channel.
ReplyDelete... and here's the Facebook page for the Turn Off Fox News movement:
DeleteHas anyone wondered why so many GOLD selling companies are sponsoring shows on Fox News, Beck routinely has 3 or 4 different gold sellers advertising on his show, Bill'O is the same. They frequently also comment during the commercials that it's "patriotic" to buy gold..
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that the U.S. Post Office, a GOVERNMENT AGENCY is supporting Fox News! This is just wrong.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your time and energy to give us this list to boycott. As for Anonymous stating they can't believe that the U.S. Post Office advertises on this "news" program...I CAN! Checkout There is a great survey where you can speak out and state how the doing-away-with a diverse media to the FTC affects you. Stay conscious!
ReplyDeleteFOXNEWS really wants to destroy our president real bad, that is the legitimate reason why FOXNEWS are so desperate alongside their evil ally the stupid Republicans, has anyone heard any solutions from them, let's see NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. So when will we hear solutions from the stupid Republicans, maybe NEVER. It's all about scoring political points, and playing political games with our lives. It's pathetic and it's WRONG. We shall not tolerate this.
ReplyDeleteBoycott Fox "News" and other likeminded sites should start putting quotation marks around the word "News". Fox "News" is not news, and they do not deserve title.
ReplyDeleteThank you for having this site...I only watch Fox News so i know which companies to Boycott! Some are my favorite products like Febreeze...but FOX News is so messed up and trying to divide our country...I'll vote with my pocketbook! Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteps Can you believe O'Reily said liberals are afraid of Palin...What a Joke!I hope she is their front runner for 2012.
Sometimes free speech doesnt seem right. Its sad that people believe the bull fox news reports. I am by no means a fox supporter, but blame the idiots who believe this crap, thats who is keeping this organization going. If we had a more educated nation, the republican party wouldnt even exist.
ReplyDeletethank you for listing fox news advertisers.i will do my best to avoid buying any items from these companies.and i will forward this list to each one of my friends.
ReplyDeleteShame on Fox News! Thanks for the list of advertisters. We the people can make an honest difference. Afterall arent they already undermining us enough?? And you know who"those" are.
ReplyDeleteFox news has a cast full of extremely bias morons.Bill O'fuckhead Glenn Bleek with the childish chalkboard and doughnuts,Hanidioty and now Pailn 'o shit.Does anyone really watch this shit? If so,it just confirms that anyone who would tune in to fox is just another sheep in the flock.I am starting a new party.....Think for yourself party.People need to think!!!!! P.S. FOX SUCKS!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is probably agreed by many that Fox News is not news. It is biased and political tool to brainwash feable minded TV viewers. Their goal is to brainwash, like Hitler's propaganda during WWII. They harbor conflict and war, and seek death and demise of America's core values.
ReplyDelete"We Report, You Decide" means, "you decide whether Fox News is telling the truth or not". I have decided that are not even worthy of the words "News" in their title. "Fox News" is a misnomer.
ReplyDeleteFox Movies, Sports, etc.. ok but yup Fox News is garbage. I Fear the most of Fox News is it could lead to already damaging a racist country.
ReplyDeleteI am sending out emails. and will encourage people to boycott Fox News supporters. I don't think anyone needs to post evidence here for Fox Non-News bullshit, we are well beyond that.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has a bias, these people are liars.
How can anyone really believe that Fox News is Fair and Balanced? I agree the LOCAL Fox stations frequently have good news operations. But Fox News itself? Really? I'm all for people expressing different points of view, but when a "news" organization takes it upon themselves to rally a particular segment of the society toward advancing a particular world view and then distort their coverage of those events (or others with which they disagree), that's just not news. That's propaganda.
ReplyDeleteHere are some advertisers I found while watching this evening: 3/27/10:
ReplyDeleteHome Depot
Wheaties (General Mills?)
Comfort Suites
Choice Hotels
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Red Lobster
Fancy Feast Cat Food
So happy to find some sane people with a decent idea, to let everyone know how some of us feel about it.
ReplyDeleteMy God, I am so sick of Fox news trying to push their agenda on people. I think that smart people know that these mean spirited, self centered, egotistical, judgmental, backstabbing, narrow minded people don't have the interest of the common man anywhere near, they only swing around there ideas with a stick like a little kid and try and get their way.
They lie and then when your not looking they lie again. Ask yourself how america is seen in different parts of the world, wait, you can't because your mind does not work that way. Fox, you know what your problem is? You think you are the world, fact of the matter is that america is making things worse by trying to control everything. Its like all these people are wanting George Bush the 2nd back in office. The politicians never were responsible for anything, they get away with anything that they can while the rest of us suffer for it. I say its time for responsibility. Fox, your on the way out of my house for good! There is no way I would ever want to listen /watch any of your garbage, nor will I knowingly invite a Fox news junkie anywhere in my area, just forget it and Get out!
Wow! 73 blogs in 12 months! you go girl!
ReplyDeleteIm a Canadian and i think fox news sucks balls. Its just a bunch of ignorant people with a lot of money, and with completely naive and ill supported news, which I know a substantial amount of Americans just gobble up without an ounce of a second thought. It really comes down to education, as so many people in America actually believe that anything on TV is true, even when mendacity is TV's number one selling point, especially Fox. I doubt that will ever change, if so very slowly, but its just really sad to see. Just the fact of when the show Red Eye trashed our military. The host was an alcoholic, and another guy on the show did Super High Me, which just goes to show the type of characters that we see who play important roles in aiding peoples decisions. It just sucks that people like this make their views pervasive, while people actually think that this garbage is true. But other then that I like America :D.
ReplyDeleteLook, anyone who buys into the BS Fox "entertainment News" craps out is as ignorant as they are stupid! Glenn Beck is a tool, who puts vicks under his eyes to cry! What kind of man is he? This so-called news agency is under mining what America stands for! It is these fake ass new agencies and the morons who believe in the bullshit they spew that make this once great nation a laughing stock to the world! America is going to be hated by all because of the few assholes out there!
ReplyDeleteI think we should boycott any cable company and dish service that broadcasts any Fox channel. They get paid from these providers for having their channel in the channel lineup. It's true. I feel like a hypocrite just dropping my support of their advertisers and allowing them to get money because I purchased the medium that was broadcasting their filth. When the cable companies and dish providers feel the sting of us dropping our service we will rise up and tell them why. Signed: One less Direct TV customer!!
ReplyDeleteI just looked up Gerber and Home Depot (both products we used extensively)and sent messages telling them we will not use them anymore. Since we almost never watch Fox or its affiliates, I had no idea these corporations were advertisers.
ReplyDeleteThanks to all of you and this website for letting us know who is promoting this dysfunction. I like to call it Fox Faux News. We must carry a message of mutual respect in order to survive on this planet. God bless.
I just cancelled my Free Credit Report account. It's not free anyway! I told them advertising on Fox news was the reason. Unfortunately I was talking to someone in India. Can't cancel my health care as it's the only one work uses!
ReplyDeleteYou all should be reported to the SPCA for wanting to boycott Fox news. Who's next Wolves, Badgers? If you don't like Foxes that is fine but don't boycott their news network. They need to get in as much news before the winter so they can use that money to feed their families so they can hibernate! STOP THE CRUELTY!
ReplyDeleteI've done a lot of research and Fox News is not only biased, they are downright liars. Folks love to listen to them because they fill people with hate, fear, and anger. Fox News has done a lot of damage to our country. We are the only developed country in the world without a National Health Care System. We can't compete on the global market. In other countries, the corporations do not have to pay health care expenses. USA can't compete with that. According to Forbes Magazine, the CEO of United Health Care made over 1.3 million dollars. That's obscene. People will complain about joblessness and the fact that their investments are tanked. They haven't even thought about if corporations don't have to foot the health care bill, our economy would be so much better. Folks who watch Fox news are just getting the biggest brain-washing of their lives. I'm going to boycott any company that advertises on Fox news, even if I have to make home made cat food for my pets, I will not buy those products. When 25% of the country actually think Obama was born in Kenya, then we have a problem with people who have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by a network that cares about ratings, not the news.
ReplyDeleteOutfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism is the best thing any Fox hater can watch. It's clearly biased as well, but every stat or fact in there is true. Watch it on Youtube!!!!!
ReplyDeletefox,and rush just scare people who have no common sense and believe reagan economics or trickle down actually works. Yea our economy sure BOOMED under those bush tax cuts. maybe a few yachts and private jets were sold and beck, oreilly and hannity made tons selling there brainwashing books.when im flipping channels i get physically sick if i get a glimpse of fox. wish i had the option to delete channels. the majority of college graduates and professors aka people who can think for themselves are demorscats. that red neck with his pick up waving his twelve gage wanting his country back is the fox news demograpic. sadly there are millions of them watching in their trailors down in texas and alabama. ever notice how glenn beck talks to the camera as if hes talking to a five year old? thats because most republican voters ended there education at that age and need him to talk slowy and draw things.
ReplyDeleteWe have started a page on Facebook for anyone who is interested. It seems that Fox News is a part of the basic programming for a lot of cable tv/satellite companies (i.e., directv).
ReplyDeleteIf this is true for you, you may not realize that a portion of your monthly service fee goes to support Fox News. In 2009, Fox News charged more for their cable tv channel than any other news channel at .38 cents per household (that's wholesale prices), while other news organizations like MSNBC only charged .11 cents per household (again, that's the wholesale price). Most cable news organizations wholesale pricing was between .11 cents and .16 cents per household, while Fox charged .38 cents per household.
During the political campaign season running up to November 2, Fox News contributed $1 million to the Chamber of Commerce as well as another $1 million to the Republican Governors Association. In addition, they organized Tea Party Rallies, provided a platform for republican candidates to ask for donations, added republican politicians onto their payrolls (Huckabee, Rove, Palin, etc), actively campaigned for Republican candidates on the campaign trail, distorted the Democratic/Liberal agenda, waged a hate campaign on minorities as well as our President, and attacked any liberal organization they could (Tides Foundation, ACLU, SEIU, Teachers Unions, etc).
Not that Fox News was ever a legitimate news organization, but because of it's strong republican activism, Fox News is no longer a "news" organization at all. FNC is simply the media arm of the Republican Party. It is a Republican PAC. No other news organization can claim this status. Even MSNBC (the most liberal cable news station) does not allow for this type of political activism; Keith Olbermann and Joe Scarborough were both suspended for contributing their own money to political candidates. Fox News Channel is a Republican PAC.
Never before in our history have we been forced to contribute money to any political organization. That has changed. In simply paying your monthly cable/satellite television bill, a portion of your money is going directly to this Republican PAC. We believe we can do something to change that.
Please join us. We will be taking an active role in trying to remove Fox News Channel from the basic cable programming service. We believe Fox News Channel, because of it's political activism should be offered as a subscription only channel. We will also be contacting our Congressmen in an attempt to bring the Fairness Doctrine back up for a vote. If we are successful in this, Fox News will no longer be able to continue with it's traditional biased media coverage. We would love to have your help. Please go to this link and join us!
ReplyDeleteFinally, I've found a forum where I can share the aims of a campaign I started 10 years ago when Bush first got elected.
I'm in a job where I end up in hotel rooms quite a bit. I hate the remote controls they give you in the room so I carry my own programmable remote and the manufacturer code sheet when I travel.
In addition to having a very user friendly remote to use in the dark, I discovered that I was able to get into the TV's menu and delete FOX NEWS CHANNEL from the channel line up. The simple hotel provided Lodgenet remotes often lack a keypad and only give guests a channel up or channel down option. Henceforth, future guests can't tune in to Fox, thus saving their brains from continued bombardment of the propaganda they spit.
In the last ten years, I have deleted FNC from well over 100 TV's in various hotel rooms across the country and the globe.
Most programmable remote controls cost only $19-$29.
Isn't your country worth it.
Please help and join me in my campaign for:
Saving America, One T.V. at a time.
Freddo C.
Hey, it's 2011, a few days after the Tucson shooting and just 1 day after the memorial service with an amazing group of speakers! IT's time to boycott Fox News and the rest of their ilk, who are taking our country down this ugly road of hate instead of peace, love and compassion. Where's an updated Fox Advertisers Boycott List?!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy does FOX News keep on saying "coming up or coming up next which drags out forever without showing whats "coming up next" for what seams to be eternity before Fox News finally cough out a story. This is boring and I am going to spit out the hook and go back to CNN which will tell you the story and not a bunch of crap leading up to a story. FOX news has had this problem with all news reporting for some reason. Who is responsible for FOX news programing? They should be fired.
ReplyDeleteGoing back to CNN.
!Attention Everyone!
ReplyDeleteIn a shocking act of mass public deception, Fox News attempted to skew Ron Paul’s 2011 CPAC straw poll win by representing it with footage from the previous year’s CPAC event, at which Mitt Romney supporters had loudly booed the result, another example of the continuing dirty tricks campaign being waged against Paul by the establishment media.
If you Fox supporters could see yourselves the way the world sees you, you would get an education and realize how Fox feeds on your ignorance. The most viewed Network in the U.S.A.??? - a sad commentary on your citizens and their level of intelligence. How embarrassing to give credibility and adulation to presenters like O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, Rove, Miller, Laura, Palin and all the blonde Barbies that appear ... ad nauseum. Fox makes you the laughing stock of the world and you don't even know it.
ReplyDeleteI want to add one more important point to my last comment: Fox preys on the ill-informed, ignorant viewer by allowing the presenters to push "their?" books and other memorabilia on air. Don't you realize that you are making O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, et al, multimillionaires??? They just sit back and laugh all the way to the bank, thanks to you.
ReplyDeleteAmericans only love actors, liars, and criminal ball players, that are bullies, rapist, and high jumpers. They detest the truth.
ReplyDeleteI have copied the boycott list and posted it on my bulletin board and will most assuredly use these vendors as preferred vendors. Foxnews and their malodorous supporters are blight upon society.
ReplyDeleteDr Stan here: I have a bumper sticker (afraid to mount it). Says; "TURN OFF FOX. Bad news for America." Comes from TURNOFFFOX.ORG. I got a surgical practice to agree to rotate channels when I found they had Fox on and would not change it. SOBs. I wrote the head of the VA, ret'd Army Gen'l Eric Shinseki and told him it was on in some of the VA clinic waiting rooms. Said I wanted this seditious Obama-hating channel banned in all but private rooms in VA hospitals. Never got an answer. There was one other place I got it change but forget now where it was. They lie, google the story of how they fired 2 reporters for refusing to lie about Monsanto's bovine growth hormone's carcinogenic effect on children's milk.
ReplyDeleteI think the reason Fox News is successful is because the only people that still watch TV are either too stupid or too poor to get a computer with an internet connection and find news that way.
ReplyDeleteSo Fox caters to these people and they love it.
Love the site! Fox couldn't suck enough could they!? Just started a site of my own, check it out sometime, I think you'll like it:
ReplyDeleteSomebody needs to make an iPhone app to quickly check if a company is a Fox advertiser.
ReplyDeleteHOW Can they even call themselves a news channel with the gop in ther back pocket
ReplyDeleteWhat the author wanted to say
ReplyDeleteExcellent blog, I always come back, THX!
ReplyDeleteSEO optimizacija
I really love reading your comments guys.I learn a lot from you.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much
lol anybody hear because of mass effect cause i am
ReplyDeleteThe article you have written is brilliant. Your information is very well founded and presented in such a convincing way. I have read many articles on this subject, but by far, yours is the best.
ReplyDeleteLed displays
Good work. Thanks for the info. very useful tips indeed.
ReplyDeleteauto oglasi
A local fox personality who is billed as a reporter, ambushes local people who made mistakes in the past and slams them with questions so they lose their jobs. The guy was actually caught lying on video saying that he asks for interviews first, but you can see that he just tries to catch people off guard. The guy destroyed a teachers career because he acted in porn as a legal consenting adult once. The guy is a raging asshole and a bully and never ever ever gives up, which is pretty scary when you are wrong sometimes.
ReplyDeleteVery useful...
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how your differing opinions make all the difference in the world in how Fox News looks?
ReplyDeleteThis is a great and informative post.Well, the points given were facts that could never go wrong. I have visited so many pages with the same discussion and topics
ReplyDeletepozivnice za vencanja
They all suck idiots, turn off the news...
ReplyDeleteI hate fox news! Obama rocks! Fox news sucks!
ReplyDeleteThis blog hasn't been hit in a long time but I will say that a boycott of companies that advertise is not the way to go. The companies that advertise on Fox are the same that advertise on MSNBC and other progressive outlets. If you don't like the station... Don't watch it. It's about free speech and tolerance of all people's opinions.
ReplyDeleteWell anonymous about advertising boycotts is no good. Agreed, but you can write the companies that are on Fox and tell them one of the Fox lies....and tell them you won't buy their products until they get off Fox. Look how Flush Rush page on Facebook has cost him an incredible number of sponsors.
ReplyDeletei really like this News, looks great
Thanks admin for share knowledge to us... i am daily visit your blog for learn more and more.
ReplyDeleteYour site is very help full .i like this your site
I'm gonna boycott.its news should be free.
ReplyDeleteFox news lies horribly... They only report what they want people to hear. in 2004, April. I participated in a protest in D.C. about bombing Iraq. Fox "News" later stated:
ReplyDelete"Hundreds of people showed up in washington today to protest....." and then showed a few strange looking protesters milling around.
There were between 45,000 and 70,000 protesters there that day.
How they called at least 45,000 people "hundreds" is despicable.
Have hated Fox News ever since.
What is wrong with the good old fashioned: Who, What, Where, When, and Why of journalism I learned in 8th grade....?
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